
Friday, August 3, 2018

Forthcoming Features

March 6th, 2019, I am one of the featured readers at Octopus 
Literary Salon, 7pm,  part of Pandemonium Press spring 2019 reading series

March 6, 2019, On the Road:  Rich with Possibilities
Bruce Bagnell
Andrew O. Dugas
Jan Steckel
Kathleen McClung

2101 Webster Street at 22nd St. Uptown Oakland, 19th Street BART

 October 7th, 2019. I feature at Rivertown Poets, in Petaluma details to follow.
Rivertown Poets is a monthly poetry series held on the first Monday of EVERY month at the Aqus Cafe in Petaluma, 189 H Street. 6:15 pm.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

New work online
 Has a 250 word flash fiction piece I wrote under the contest constraints of: 250 words, sub-theme of avoiding welfare, and using the words "striving for perfection." It won the Doorknobs contest and is publish on the above link as the story DOS.

My poem, A Knockout Babe, is to be found at:

Kathleen and I were canvassing for the democrats in California's Central Valley where Congressional District 21 is sparsely populated unless you count the grape vines, the nut and fruit trees, and the gigantic farms, probably owned by corporations, that can be square miles in size. Here below is a poem about our canvassing in 2018.

Canvassing 2018

Up and down the valley
in a Desert Storm of dust
the dogs barked and yapped,
I took my hat off a million times,
put sunglasses in hand
near fields of agricultural poison hell,
knocking on doors of little hot houses
with sandy 5-broken car lawns
our skin aging in the relentless sun
as they said “Gracias” in the polite way
of brown people born to other borders.

Or we stood in front of McMansions,
the precious water sprayed spilling to the streets,
while we stared into video doorbell eyes,
rapped on steel-cages security,
walking the street mazes of the “better” burbs,
the white male gatekeeping his wife,
saying “She won’t want to talk to you,”
outside the two-story foyer with five-hundred-dollars of Halloween decorations,
next to his eighty-thousand-dollar four-wheeler lifted chromed truck with dual stacks,
not knowing he is as trained as his barking dogs.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Recycle More Plastic

Recycle More Plastic: Currently recycled plastic is used in decking boards such as Trex. Great durability and a high percentage of recycled material, but more expensive than wood in most cases. I propose that plastic bottle recycle fees be adjusted to allow for subsidizing the cost of plastic decking so that there is more demand for these products which take plastic out of the waste stream. This could be done even at the city level by placing the subsidy payment to follow a building inspection and having bottle fees at the city level, but would be better at the state level. If you like this idea please forward it to your representatives or repost for more distribution.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Sex sells still

Stuck in the usual bottleneck of narrowing lanes,
a tree of on-ramps feeds in density.

Bored drivers. Impressions flow through windshields --
a giant phone billboard girl face.

Style: straight parallel hair exactly cut.
Sex: top of breasts thin white girl iconic.

Buy one, get one free, huh?
We will never me too this.

Friday, January 19, 2018

January 2018 -Whats going on, What's new

June, 2018 update: Several of my poems were published recently:  see or

My full length poetry book, The Self Evolution Spa, came out from Sugartown Publishing in 2017 and since then, as a featured reader, I have read from the book in venues around the Bay Area.

Direct from Sugartown 1164 Solano Ave #140,

Albany, CA 94706

Or from me: 2201 Jefferson Ave, Berkeley, CA, 94703-1617

An excellent analysis of some of the poetry in the book is to be found at  Naomi Lowinsky's on-going blog. Naomi is an Award-Winning Poet, Author, and Jungian analyst. Her blog is always great reading.

Coming features  in 2018: 

November 9th,  MY Word Open Mic at 
Cafe Leila 1724 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, CA 94702 James Cagney 
Cave Canem fellow James Cagney is a poet and writer from Oakland.  He has appeared as a featured poet and artist in San Francisco, Vancouver, Chicago and Mumbai.  His poems have appeared in PrintOriented Bastards, Tandem, Eleven Eleven, and Ambush Review.  His current chapbook is entitled Dirty Thunderstorm.    

As always I continue to be one of the co-hosts at Poetry Express Berkeley, 1585 University Ave with poetry and features every Monday night at 7pm.  I usually host the 3rd Monday of each month. We usually have an extraordinary lineup of talent featuring. Check us out at

This blog has been neglected for years but I promise to update it often now that my book is finally out.